For ACHILLES TENDINITIS/RUPTURE in Andhra Medical College , Vishakhapatnam,VISAKHAPATNAM

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Best Doctors from ORTHOPAEDICS DEPARTMENT in   Andhra Medical College , Vishakhapatnam, VISAKHAPATNAM
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Latest Activity

Which surgery will best for Achilles Tendon repair at Navi Mumbai?
which surgery will best for minimum tear & wear treatment for heel spur(at achi...
Male 32 , navi mumbai


1 Day Ago

What is the clinical treatment for Achilles tendon rupture?
FINDINGS Distal tibia and fibula reveals normal marrow signal intensity with n...
Male 52 , Delhi


2 Day Ago

Want to know the best treatment of achilles tendon tear in Abohar.
I have an achilles tendon tear, i wish to undertake the reconstructive tendon o...
Male 37 ,


30 Mins Ago

Need to know the best Hospital for resurgery for rupture of Achilles tendon in Lucknow.
I had an accident on 27 November 2015 in which my Achilles tendon cut or ruptur...
Female 30 , Lucknow


39 Mins Ago

Need advice for Achilles tendon rupture treatment at Coimbatore.
I had an ankle sprain on 15/08/2016. Being left untreated for more than a month...
Male 48 , Coimbatore


2 Day Ago