For SORE THROAT in Bhavanagar Ward , Visakhapatnam , Andhra Pradesh,VISAKHAPATNAM

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Best Doctors from GENERAL MEDICINE DEPARTMENT in   Bhavanagar Ward , Visakhapatnam , Andhra Pradesh, VISAKHAPATNAM
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Latest Activity

Suffering from throat problem.
Sir there is resha forming in my throat and I'm a teacher so its become very di...
Male 31 , Hissar


2 Day Ago

What do you suggest for sore throat with fever?
Sir, I have sore throat with fever and sometimes headache since last three d...
Male 26 , Agartala


29 Mins Ago

Is the sore throat and joint pain problem related to PID?
I am 28 years old. I have had a history of PID and bladder cystisis and then af...
Female 28 , Jamshedpur


2 Day Ago

Need advice for sore throat and pain.
Sir my age 40.male. I feel soreness & pain bth burning sensation in my thorax....
Male 40 , Cuttack


1 Day Ago

I always have sore throat, suggest your opinion
I was suffering from tonsillitis in 2014.. doctor told me for tonsillectomy but...
Female 24 , Muzaffarpur


1 Day Ago