For MICROCORNEA in Yashshree,Near Gaikwad Petrol pump,PUNE

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Best Doctors from PAEDIATRIC - OPHTHALMOLOGY DEPARTMENT in   Yashshree,Near Gaikwad Petrol pump, PUNE
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Latest Activity

Want to know the best treatment of Microcornea in Delhi.
I am 21 year old and have microcornea in my left eye by birth is there any trea...
Female 21 , Jodhpur


2 Day Ago

Looking for treatment for vision problem at Dehradun.
Sir my left side have 40% vision and right eye have no vision by birth looking...
Male 23 , Dehradun


1 Day Ago

My 4 months old daughter is suffering with Microcornea with choroidal coloboma. What is d treatment?
Hello Sir, My daughter (4 Months old) have a problem in her Right eye it s...
Female .33 ,


1 Day Ago

Where to get the best possible treatment for microcornea at Delhi?
Hi, My daughter (6 mths old) have the problem of Microcornea (in both eyes). Tr...
Female .5 , Delhi


2 Day Ago

Advice us for treatment of microcornea at Chennai.
hi my 1 months child has problem (microcornea) in his left eye from the birth p...
Male 28 , Vellore


26 Mins Ago