For FISTULA IN ANO in Deccan Gymkhana,PUNE

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Also known as Anal Fistula


An anal fistula (Fistula in ano) is a small channel that develops between the end of the bowel, known as the anal canal or back passage, and the skin near the anus (the end point / opening from where the stool leaves the body). It is mostly caused due to a previous or current anal abscess (infected cavity filled with pus).

Some types of fistula have one channel, whereas others branch out into more than one opening. The fistula ends can appear as holes on the surface of the skin around the anus and are very painful.

Anal Fistula


  • • Anal pain, particularly around the area of a past abscess.
  • • Drainage of pus, blood, stool or mucus from an opening in the skin.
  • • Swelling around the skin opening.
  • • A hot or red area near the anus.
  • • Fever and chills (if caused due to an abscess)
  • • Tiredness, diarrhoea, weight loss and nausea (if associated with intestinal inflammation)


In 40% of cases is caused due to an anal abscess.

If an anal abscess bursts before it has been treated/has not completely healed/ infected fluid has not been entirely drained, it can lead to a fistula in ano.

Anal fistulae are also a common complication of conditions such as:
- Ulcerative colitis
- Diverticulitis
- Crohns disease
- Infections such as : Chlamydia/Syphilis/AIDS/Tuberculosis and Cancer of the rectum.


- Physical examination. A probe or scope may be used to help locate the opening of the fistula.
- MRI or CT Scan to find the exact location and path of the fistula.
- A biopsy of the fistula tissue or anus may be taken to check for cancer.


Surgery is usually necessary to treat an anal fistula.

- Fistula surgery (Fistulectomy) is the most commonly used surgery.

- VAAFT (Video assisted anal fistula treatment) is the new minimally invasive technique of surgery.

You may also like to learn about:

Anal fissure
Crohns disease
Ulcerative colitis
Intestinal obstruction
Cancer rectum

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Need to know the best treatment of anal fistula in hyderabad.
I have low anal fistuala and I want to get cured by operating by good and exper...
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Need to know the best surgical treatment for fistula in ano problem in bangalore.
i am suffering form fistula in ano and i wanted to know the cost of the surgery...
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