For COMMON COLD in Wanawadi,PUNE

Doctors who treat COMMON COLD or similar ailments belong to following departments:
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Best Doctors from E.N.T (EAR, NOSE AND THROAT) DEPARTMENT in   Wanawadi, PUNE
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I contantly catch cold along with fever, what kind of doctor should I go to?
I contantly catch cold along with mild fever. Sometimes this is as frequent as...
Male 39 ,


33 Mins Ago

Hi, I am suffering from cold for the last one month, no effect of antibiotics also, whom to consult?
Hi, I am suffering from cold for last few weeks. It is so bad that I can hard...
Male 35 , Mumbai


2 Day Ago

my son is suffering from running nose since 2 yrs. What should i do?
my son is suffering from runny nose since last 2 year.he is breath through mou...
Male 4 , Bhubaneswar


2 Day Ago

What is the best treatment for Child suffering from cold
my child is suffering from cold i have teated with many doctors but resul is no...
Female 20 , Mumbai


2 Day Ago

Need the medical advise for vere cold and dysentry.
My daughter is suffering from severe cold and dysentry. I need the medical advi...
Male 27 , Coimbatore


1 Day Ago