Best Neurologist For HEMIPLEGIA in NAGPUR

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Latest Activity

Looking for EECP at Erode for heart problem.
I am 62 yes old. I had done with cabg on 2004 due to 5 blocks at psg hospita...
Male 60 , Erode


1 Day Ago

Since last week my father's left side of the body is not working properly, what should we do?
sir, this is mohsin i want to ask about my father who is above 60 yrs of age f...
Male 64 , Jammu Tawi


2 Day Ago

My father can't feel anything on one side of his body, has uncontrolled diabetes
Hi, This is regarding my father age about 64 year. Last month his Sugar level b...
Male 64 , Darbhanga


2 Day Ago

there is no sense in left hand, check up suggested
there is no sence in left hand and side last for last two months, checked with ...
Female 45 , Kolkata


2 Day Ago

Is sdr successfully conducted in India?
My daughter is 10 years old and is hemiplegic... Would like to know how to star...
Female 10 ,


2 Day Ago