For HANSEN`S DISEASE in Anand Bazaar Main Road, , Near Bank of Baroda ATM, Indore , Indore,INDORE

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Best Doctors from DERMATOLOGY/SKIN DEPARTMENT in   Anand Bazaar Main Road, , Near Bank of Baroda ATM, Indore , Indore, INDORE
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my father had been diagnosed with hansen's disease. Has foot ulcer, what is the treatment?
my father had been diagnosed with hansens disease 2 years back. he has been suc...
Male 51 , Kolkata


28 Mins Ago

Sufferings – pain and stiffness of body. Pls advise me.
Patient is male, age-67+ sufferings – pain and stiffness of body & limbs. Unab...
Male 67 , Kolkata


1 Day Ago