For ADDICTION NICOTINE in Qutab Plaza, DLF Qutab Complex, Gurgaon,GURUGRAM

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Best Doctors from GENERAL MEDICINE DEPARTMENT in   Qutab Plaza, DLF Qutab Complex, Gurgaon, GURUGRAM
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Latest Activity

Respected Sir,i do smoking since past 10 years, how does it affect my lungs?
Respected Sir, i do smoking since past 10years now i would like to know afte...
Male 29 , Pune


2 Day Ago

Hi I am a smoker and was told that HBOT treatment can help quit smoking, pls advise
Hi I am a smoker and I planning to Quit smoking and some mean I cam to know tha...
Male 32 , Hyderabad


1 Day Ago

Good doctor who can help me quit smoking
I want to quit smoking...specify me a doctor to persue him....
Male 23 , Ghaziabad


2 Day Ago

Pls help me to get de-addicted for smoking and lose weight.
Sir/madam Iam taking olanazopine for depression it resulted in w...
Male 21 , Tuticorin


1 Day Ago

Need help to quit smoking
i want to quit smoking can you help me i am continue smoking in one day one pac...
Male 33 , Thiruvananthapuram


30 Mins Ago