For CANCER VOCAL CORD in Rajinder Nagar, , New Delhi,DELHI

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Pls guide us for the further management for Ca Vocal cord.
I Am case of CA. rt vocal cord one and half yr back The with radiotherapy and ...
Male 60 , Shahjahanpur


2 Day Ago

Complications post laryngectomy due to vocal cord cancer, please suggest the best specialist dr
Hi...My father has undergone total laryngectomy for his vocal cord cancer...its...
Male 49 , Hyderabad


2 Day Ago

What is the approx cost of Neck radiation therapy treatment regarding vocal cord cancer in Mumbai?
what is the approx cost of neck radiation for 5 weeks. cancer detected in voca...
Male 76 , Mumbai


26 Mins Ago

Give the treatment for Cancer in Vocal cord at Kolkata.
What is best medication or surgery for Cancer in Vocal cord? Please help and g...
Male 57 , Patna


1 Day Ago

Pls advice me for Cancer in vocal chord.
i want to know which treatment is best for vocal cord cancer either voice box s...
Female 63 , Akola


2 Day Ago