For PEPTIC ULCER in Annamalai Nagar,CHENNAI

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Best Doctors from GENERAL MEDICINE DEPARTMENT in   Annamalai Nagar, CHENNAI
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Latest Activity

Suffering from ulcers.
Hi, I am suffering from stomach-ache. and right now diagnosed for peptic ulcer...
Female 25 , Delhi


35 Mins Ago

piles with peptic ulcer- can pain reliever be taken?
piles with peptic ulcer severe - can we have pain releievers ?...
Male 21 , Chennai


36 Mins Ago

i have got superfecial multiple ulcer and peptic ulcer.What to do?
i have got superfecial multiple ulcer and also diagonised with peptic ulcer?? w...
Male 34 , Siliguri


1 Day Ago

Patient connect request for Peptic Ulcer
I need to know if you have got any treatment for peptic ulcer that you can reco...
Male 36 , Delhi


35 Mins Ago

I am suffring from peptic ulcer, Is there any permanant solution?
I am suffring from peptic ulcer upto 5 year. Doctor advice following madicines ...
Male 56 , Godda


1 Day Ago