For VESICOVAGINAL FISTULA in Viratnagar Road, Oclav , Ahmedabad,AHMEDABAD

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Best Doctors from GENERAL SURGERY DEPARTMENT in   Viratnagar Road, Oclav , Ahmedabad, AHMEDABAD
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Latest Activity

Is it possible to cure VVF problem by medicines?
I am 52 years old, removed uterus in 9.5.2013, after a month I am getting vvf...
Female 52 , Coimbatore


2 Day Ago

Need details for Vesicovaginal fistula repair using robotic laproscopic surgery.
What is the cost of Vasicovaginal fistula repair using robotic leproscopic surg...
Female 25 , Bhiwani


2 Day Ago

Looking for vescio vaginal fistula treatment.
Vvf repairis done by laproscopy or open surgery? what is the cost of operation?...
Female 48 , Srinagar


23 Mins Ago

Need surgery for VVF in Ahmedabd.
VV Fistula after total hysterectomy. Need surgery for VVF in Ahmedabd Pl. sug...
Female 44 , Mehsana


1 Day Ago

Looking for best Vvf repair treatment in Guwahati.
My aunty (elderly primi)had a delivery at 32 weeks gestation on Oct 7th 2015......
Female 39 , Guwahati


1 Day Ago